M - F 9A-5P Do research
except for scheduled activities below and lunch break (even when no group lunch).
Red = food, all REU students and sometimes whole group.
Blue = all REU students and sometimes whole group.
Purple = unusual time or place.
Faculty mentors have authority to excuse students from any
scheduled activity to avoid disruption of research, but someone should
Leslie Hogben and
Julia Anderson-Lee if a student is excused to miss a whole group activity during the workweek.
Weekend and evening activities are optional.
Monday July 22
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver
Union Drive Marketplace Heritage room REU student lunch menu
REU student business meeting in UDM at 12:15
Tuesday July 23
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver
4:30 PM cookies and conversation 400 Carver
Wednesday July 24
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver
Union Drive Marketplace in Mezzanine REU student lunch menu
REU student
business meeting in UDM at 12:15
Thursday July 25
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 400 or 174 Carver or Coover
PM cookies and conversation 400 Carver
Friday July 26
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver or Coover
Meet outside
Union Drive for Virtual Reality Tour
lunch on your own
Saturday July 27
Sunday July 28
Monday July 29
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver
1:30 PM sympoisum in 274 Casrver
refreshment break 400
Algebraic Graph
3:45 PM t-shirt distribution in 400 Carver
Tuesday July 30
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver
1:30 PM sympoisum in 274 Carver
Combinatorial Matrix
refreshment break
Compressive Sensing
Wednesday July 31
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 244 or 174 Carver
Union Drive Marketplace Mezzanine REU student lunch menu
REU student business
meeting in UDM at 12:30
Thursday Aug 1
9 AM research:
Combinatorial Matrix in 202 Carver
Analysis in 298 Carver
Algebraic Graph in 268 Carver
Compressive Sensing in 400 or 174 Carver or Coover
5-5:30 PM
IINSPIRE-LSAMP poster presentation, S Ballroom of Memorial Union
(incudes an REU poster)
Friday Aug 2
8 AM clean apartments
1 PM poster session in Howe Hall
3 PM clean apartments
PM depart Freddy for Farewell Dinner at Hickory Park
5:00 PM Farewell Dinner at Hickory Park
Saturday Aug 3
10:45 AM depart for airport
Photo Directory
Undergraduate Students
Dallas Albritton Emory University
Jeremy Burke Vassar
Cora Brown Carleton College
Josh Carlson Iowa State University
Chris Cox
Iowa State University
Nathanael Cox Saint Olaf College
Jason Hu
University of
California, Berkeley
Katrina Jacobs Pomona College
Jonathan Lai University of Texas at Austin
Kathryn Manternach Central College
Greg Michel Carleton College
Chris Sheafe Iowa State University
Trevor Steil
Michigan State
Hannah Turner Ball State University
Caroline VanBlargan St. Mary's Collge of Maryland
Xiaosheng Zhang Iowa State University
Graduate Students (all Iowa State University)
Julia Anderson-Lee
Chassidy Bozeman
Jiali Li
Brian Lois
Katy Nowak
Kevin Palmowski
Nathan Warnberg
Faculty (Iowa State University unless otherwise noted)
Justin Peters
Sung-Yell Song
Namrata Vaswani
Michael Young
Adam Berliner St. Olaf College (MN)
Travis Peters
Culver-Stockon College (MO)
REU students: If you want a high resolutuon version of picture(s), e-mail Leslie the names of the file(s) you want.

Analysis Group
Compressed Sensing Group
Combinatorial Matrix Group
T-shirt design

Ames Events
The following information is taken from the internet; these activites are not sponsored by the REU.
See for more information.
Free unless noted otherwise.
All the time
Furman Aquatic Center (water park), $5 admission, 1-8 PM weather permitting
Ames/ISU Ice Arena $5 admission, $2.75 skate rental
5:30 PM Main Street (downtown) music
7 PM Ames Municipal Band concert in Bandshell park
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 pm Ames Main Street Farmers' Market, 400 block Main Street
Des Moines Arts Festival June 28-30
Useful Links
LaTeX template Figure for template Beamer template
REU sites
AMS Undergrad
MAA Undergrad page
SACNAS National Conference
Mathematicians Conference
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO)
Undergraduate Math Journal
Information has links to Matlab guides
Math Project Descriptions 2013 (original description)
Algebraic Graph Theory Group Dr. Sung-Yell Song, Katy Nowak
Existence and Nonexistence of (Directed) Strongly Regular Graphs
A strongly-regular graph with parameters (v, k, λ, μ) is defined as an
undirected simple graph G with v vertices satisfying the property:
“The number of common neighbors of vertices x and y is k if x = y, λ
if x and y are adjacent, and μ if x and y are non-adjacent vertices.”
Let A denote the adjacency matrix of G, and let I and J denote the v
v identity matrix and all-ones matrix, respectively. Then G is a
strongly-regular graph with parameters (v, k, λ, μ) if and only if
(i) JA = AJ = kJ and
(ii) A^2 = kI + λA + μ(J-I-A)
loopless directed graph D with v vertices and adjacency matrix A is
called directed strongly-regular graph with parameters (v, k, t, λ,
μ) if and only if A
satisfies the following conditions:
(i) JA = AJ = kJ and
(ii) A^2 = tI + λA + μ(J-I-A)
We are interested in constructing (directed) strongly-regular Cayley
graphs of various classical groups with suitable generator sets. We are
also interested in settling some problems related to characterization
and classification of these graphs and related objects. So, the sample
problems that we are tempted to
explore look like:
• Find (directed) strongly-regular graphs that can be obtained as Cayley graphs of classical groups.
• How many strongly regular graphs with parameters (64, 28, 12, 12) are there?
• Is there a directed strongly regular graph with parameters (24, 10, 5, 3, 5)?
• Characterize all tactical configurations that yield the directed strongly regular graphs with parameters ((n
2 − 1)(n
3 − 1)/(n − 1)
2, n(n + 1), n, n − 1, n).
Analysis Group Dr. Justin R. Peters, Jiali Li
We will be investigating two unrelated problems. Both problems will
require some background in introductory analysis. One of the problems
will have a large computational compenent. Students may choose to be
involved in one or both projects.
1) Given a transcendental function
f(x), let
x) be its
Taylor polynomial. We will investigate the behavoir of the zeroes of pn
in the complex plane. We will be asking questions such as, do the
zeroes of
p_n lie in some region we can determine? Do the zeroes of
p_n accumulate on some curve, possibly after renormalization? How are the zeroes of
p_n related to those
p_1? Is there some way in which the zeroes of
p_n approach the zeroes of
f? Is there a minimum distance between the zeroes of
p_n, which is independent of
n? In the case
x) = exp(
x) this has been investigated and has led to some nice results.
2) Which Cauchy sequences {
n>1 with
n) > 0, n=1,2,... have the property that the sequence {
n>1 is also Cauchy, where
b(1), ...,
We note that the case where
a(1) =
a(2) =
a(3) = ... =
> 0 has been solved, and the solution is both surprising and
interesting, though the arguments involved use nothing more than
elementary calculus.
Combinatorial Matrix Theory Group Dr.
Leslie Hogben, Dr. Adam Berliner, Dr. Travis Peters,
Dr. Michael Young,
Nathan Warnberg
Minimum rank, maximum nullity, and zero forcing on a graph
The graph of a real symmetric matrix A=[a_ij] has an edge between i
and j if and only if a_ij is nonzero. Finding the maximum
multiplicity of eigenvalue 0 among symmetric matrices having a given
graph is the same as finding the maximum nullity and is equivalent to
finding the minimum rank among symmetric matrices having the given
graph. Initially a subset Z of the vertices of a graph G are
colored blue
and the remaining vertices are colored white. The color change
rule is
that if a blue vertex v has exactly one white neighbor w, then change
the color of w to blue. The set Z is a zero forcing set if
applying the color change rule until no more changes are possible, all
the vertices of G are blue. The zero forcing number is the
size of a zero forcing set. The zero forcing number is an upper
bound for the maximum nullity of a graph, and arose
independently in the study of control of quantum systems in physics,
where it is called graph infection or propagation. This
project will
investigate problems related to minimum rank, maximum nullity, and zero
forcing number.
involved in this
will be part the
Combinatorial Matrix Theory Research Group; more
is available on that page. This group regularly publishes its
results (see
list of papers).
algebra is a prerequisite for this project, graph theory is an
and a strong theoretical mathematics background (usually including
algebra or real analysis) is expected. The software we use is
Sage and
so knowing one or both of these in advance is helpful, but you can learn one or both of here.
Automated Recursive Projected CS (ReProCS) for Real-time Video Layering and Performance Guarantees Dr. Namrata Vaswani,
Leslie Hogben, Brian Lois,
Kevin Palmowski, Chassidy Bozeman
A large class of video sequences are composed of at least two layers -
the foreground, which is a sparse image that often consists of one or
more moving objects, and the background, which is a dense image, that
is either constant or changes gradually over time and the changes are
usually global. Thus the background sequence is well modeled as lying
in a low dimensional subspace that can slowly change with time; while
the foreground is well modeled as a sparse "outlier" that changes
in a correlated fashion over time (e.g., due to objects' motion). Video
layering can thus be posed as a robust principal components' analysis
(PCA) problem, with the difference that the "outlier" for PCA is also a
signal-of-interest and needs to be recovered too. Real-time video
layering then becomes a recursive robust PCA problem. We will develop
algorithms using a novel approach called Recursive Projected
Compressive Sensing (ReProCS) to solve this problem and we will try to
bound their performance under practically motivated assumptions. In
particular, we will study how to handle temporal correlations in the
low-dimensional part (background).
Web page maintained by Leslie