Schedule July 23 - July 29
M - F 9A-5P Do research
except for scheduled activities below and lunch break (even when no group lunch).
Red = food, whole group.
Blue = whole group.
Saturday July 23
Sunday July 24
afternoon Furman Aquatic Center
Monday July 25
9 AM research
Zero forcing in 401
Dynamical systems in 390
Matrices over C[a,b] in 160
Algebraic graph in 132
Union Drive Marketplace REU student lunch menu
REU business meeting in UDM at 12:20
1 PM t-shirt distrubution and group photo
Tuesday July 26
9 AM research
Zero forcing in 401
Dynamical systems in 390
Matrices over C[a,b] in 160
Algebraic graph in 132
by 3:45 PM turn in Carver keys (can also be done Friday),
3:30 PM sweet corn feed 400 Carver
Wednesday July 27
7:30 AM depart Freddy for Iowa City
10 A - 8:30 P Math REU symposium in Iowa City
Thursday July 28
8 A - noon Math REU symposium in Iowa City
3:30 PM? return to Freddy for Iowa City
Friday July 29noon
Final written reports due, turn in Carver keys if not done
all day clean apartments and pack
depart Freddy for farewell dinner at Hickory Park restaurant
After the first week,
as long as you attend your group meetings and REU scheduled activities,
and get your work done, you can choose when/where to work unless
instructed otherwise by your faculty mentor. But you should
always be reachable (e.g., by cell phone) during the work day if you
are not in Carver.
Faculty mentors have authority to excuse students from any
scheduled activity to avoid disruption of research, but someone should
Leslie Hogben if a student is excused to miss a whole group activity during the workweek.
Weekend and evening activities are optional.
Photo gallery
Undergraduate Students
Anna Cepek Bethany Lutheran College
Justin Cyr Syracuse University
Xavier Garcia University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Angelica Gonzalez Whittier College
Chetak Hossain University of California, Berkeley
My Huynh Arizona State University
Jennifer Kunze St. Mary's College of Maryland
Kirill Lazebnik State University of New York at Geneseo
Sarah Meyer Smith College
Nathan Meyers Bowdoin College
Crystal Peoples Longwood University
Thomas Rudelius Cornell University
Anthony Sanchez Arizona State University
George Shakan Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Sijing Shao Iowa State University
Emily Speranza Carroll College
Shanise Walker University of Georgia
Charles Watts Morehouse College
Graduate Students (all Iowa State University)
Kim Ayers
Jason Ekstrand
Nicole Kingsley
Michelle Lastrina
Oktay Olmez
Travis Peters
Chad Vidden
Faculty (Iowa State University unless otherwise noted)
Wolfgang Kliemann
Justin Peters
Sung-Yell Song
Michael Young
Minerva Catral Xavier College (Ohio)
Photo(s) of the week

(for more pictures go to the photo URL)
T-shirt design

Ames Events
The following information is taken from the internet; these activites are not sponsored by the REU.
See for more information.
Free unless noted otherwise.
All the time
Furman Aquatic Center (water park), $5 admission, 1-8 PM weather permitting
Ames/ISU Ice Arena $5 admission, $2.75 skate rental, see calendar for open times
5:30 PM Main Street (downtown) music
7 PM Ames Municipal Band concert in Bandshell park
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 pm Ames Main Street Farmers' Market, 400 block Main Street
Useful Links
LaTeX template Figure for template Beamer template
REU sites
AMS Undergrad
MAA Undergrad page
SACNAS National Conference
Mathematicians Conference
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO)
Undergraduate Math Journal
Journal of Young Investigators
Information has links to Matlab guides
Math Project Descriptions 2011
Algebraic Graph Theory Group Dr. Sung-Yell Song
Existence and Nonexistence of (Directed) Strongly Regular Graphs
Strongly regular graphs are important objects in modern algebraic graph
theory. The interest in strongly regular graphs has been stimulated by
the development of the theory of finite permutation groups and the
of finite simple groups. The strongly regular graphs arise from various
area of mathematics including group theory, association schemes, finite
geometries, combinatorial designs and algebraic codes.
A strongly regular graph with parameters (v, k, λ, μ) is defined as an
undirected regular graph G with v vertices satisfying the property:
“the number of common neighbors of vertices x and y is k if x = y, λ
if x and y are adjacent, and μ if x and y are non-adjacent vertices.” A
loopless directed graph D with v vertices is called directed strongly
regular graph with parameters (v, k, t, λ, μ) if and only if D
satisfies the following conditions:
i) Every vertex has in-degree and out-degree k.
ii) Every vertex x has t out-neighbors that are also in-neighbors of x.
iii) The number of directed paths of length two from a vertex x to
another vertex y is λ if there is an edge from x to y, and is μ if
there is no edge from x to y.
There are many problems related to the characterization and
classification of these graphs. We plan to settle some of the existence
or non-existence problems for given parameter sets while we investigate
various sources of (directed) strongly regular graphs. Sample problems
that we might be tempted to explore include:
• How many strongly regular graphs with parameters (64, 28, 12, 12) are there?
• Is there a directed strongly regular graph with parameters (24, 10, 5, 3, 5)?
• Prove that there is no directed strongly regular graph with parameters (30, 7, 5, 0, 2).
• Characterize all tactical configurations that yield the directed strongly regular graphs with parameters ((n
2 − 1)(n
3 − 1)/(n − 1)
2, n(n + 1), n, n − 1, n).
Dynamical Systems and Markov Chains Dr. Wolfgang Kliemann
Many ‘real world’ phenomena can be modeled mathematically via
ordinary differential equations; this includes many engineering
systems, reaction kinetics in chemistry, population dynamics in
biology, market behavior in economics, etc. More often than not, these
systems will be subjected to perturbations (cars traveling on roads,
variations of influx into a chemical reactor, environmental conditions,
etc) that need to be taken into account to obtain a workable model of
the phenomenon. If we have statistical information about the
perturbation (such as spectra of road surfaces, weather predictions, or
market volatility), a finite state Markov chain in discrete time is
often the model of choice for the perturbation.
We are then faced with a (continuous time) differential equation (on a
continuous state space) that is perturbed by a (discrete time) Markov
chain (with finitely many, hence discrete states). How can one build a
mathematical theory that studies these (hybrid) systems? What can be
said about the behavior of such systems, and about our ability to
control them (i.e. to make the system behave like we want it to
behave)? How can we estimate from actual data the parameters of Markov
chains that model specific perturbations well?
The project will address at least some of these questions; its focus
will depend on the interest and backgrounds of participants. We will
start looking at mathematical descriptions of such hybrid systems
(including their simpler version, switched systems, that omit the
probabilistic part) and at numerical methods that allow reliable
simulations of system behavior. We will then study either control
theoretic aspects, or more statistical questions of parameter
Matrices over C[a, b] Dr. Justin Peters
We will begin by looking at the basic notions of Banach space and
Banach algebra. We will examine what the spectral radius formula and
spectral mapping theorem tell us in the case of the familiar examples
of C[a, b], the continuous complex-valued functions on the interval [a,
b], and M_n, the complex n × n matrices.
After reviewing central ideas from matrix theory (i.e., eigenvalues,
eigenvectors, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, diagonalization) we take up
the major theme of this project: matrices over C[a, b], that is,
matrices whose entries are in C[a, b]. This is a Banach algebra, which
we denote M_n(C[a, b]), which combines the features of the two familiar
examples in new and interesting ways. What are the appropriate notions
of eigenvector and eigenvalue in this setting? How can the spectral
radius be computed? How far can the analogy between M_n
and M_n(C[a, b]) be taken? For example, if A is an element of this
Banach algebra such that for every t 2 [a, b] the matrix A(t) is
diagonalizable by a unitary matrix in Mn, is A diagonalizable by a
in M_n(C[a, b])?
Zero forcing/graph propagation Dr.
Leslie Hogben, Dr. Michael Young
Initially a subset Z of the vertices of a graph G are colored black
and the remaining vertices are colored white. The color change rule is
that if a black vertex v has exactly one white neighbor w, then change
the color of w to black. The set Z is a zero forcing set if after
applying the color change rule until no more changes are possible, all
the vertices of G are black. The zero forcing number is the minimum
size of a zero forcing set. Zero forcing arose in the study of
determining the minimum
rank/maximum nullity among real symmetric matrices having nonzero
off-diagonal positions described by the edges of a given graph (the
zero forcing number is an upper bound for maximum nullity, and
independently in the study of control of quantum systems in physics,
where it is called graph infection or propagation. This project will
investigate problems related to the zero forcing number.
involved in this
will be part the
Combinatorial Matrix Theory Research Group; more
is available on that page. This group regularly publishes its
results. The summer 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2010 groups all published papers (see
list of papers).
Web page maintained by Leslie