2015 Information
- Dates: June 6, 2015 to Aug. 1, 2015 (Research June 8 - July 31)
- Application Deadline: Deadline has passed, REU for Summer 2015 is now full
- On-line application: http://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/354
- Compensation: Students will receive a stipend of about $3800 ($475 per week), on-campus lodging (in Frederiksen Court student apartments), some meals, and partial support for travel to and from Ames, Iowa.
- Co-Directors: Leslie Hogben (ISU) and James Rossmanith (ISU)
- Contact: reumath@iastate.edu
2015 Mathematics REU Program at Iowa State University
ISU Mathematics REU will be offered in Summer 2015. The application deadline is Feb. 28, 2015.
Participants spend eight weeks working on research projects. The projects are in a variety of mathematical areas, representing the diverse research interests of faculty in the ISU Mathematics Department, such as graph theory, numerical analysis, linear algebra, probability, and dynamical systems. Students will work in teams as part of active research groups at ISU. This is a research group based REU and all participants collaborate with others; if you prefer to work alone this REU is not a good fit for you. There is no workshop component to this REU. It is all research, although faculty and graduate students help the participants acquire relevant research background. Students are selected by project and each of the projects lists its prerequisites.
At the beginning of the summer the mentors explain the necessary background to the students. During most of the program, students conduct research, meeting daily with their faculty and graduate student mentors. In addition to their own research, students attend weekly REU Seminars, where they hear faculty lectures on a variety of mathematical topics and on such topics as using LaTeX and attending graduate school, but the focus is on research and there is no workshop or class component to this REU. The REU concludes with a symposium of student reports. Many projects submit papers for publication:
and students frequently present their REU research at conferences.
Participants are provided a stipend, accommodation in University student housing, some travel reimbursement and some meals, and will have the opportunity to participate in social activities for REU students, both Math REU and campus-wide ISU REU activities. This is a large diverse REU and some activities are multicultural. We particularly welcome applications from members of under-represented groups.
More information about the ISU Math REU can be found in the following articles that appeared in
Funding from the National Science Foundation:

- NSF Grant DMS-1950583
- NSF Grant DMS-1457443
- NSF Grant DMS-0750986
- NSF Grant DMS-0502354
- NSF Grant DMS-0353880